First Quadrant is an innovative investment management firm specializing in alternative approaches to global investing. Employing insights cultivated from over 30 years of research, First Quadrant anchors its portfolios in asset fundamentals over the long term, and its edge lies in a deep understanding of market participants, how their needs and preferences vary in different market environments, and the impact of those needs and preferences on asset prices as they deviate toward or away from fundamentals in the shorter term.
What First Quadrant seeks to do is to deliver liquid, highly differentiated, double-digit returns to alternative investors in the form of global macro, and global equity long-short. “Highly differentiated” means that our returns streams don’t just have low correlation, but are uncorrelated with other available return streams. Not only are we uncorrelated with conventional asset returns, but with risk premia, common risk factors, exotic betas, and even our competitors’ returns. Our returns are highly unique, so the positive impact we have on our clients’ overall portfolios is higher per unit of return delivered than with other alternative investments.