Jirisan’s global macro, all weather framework seeks to harvest risk premia in global bonds, equities, and FX with a focus on capital preservation. Dynamic allocation across diverse risk exposures provides a measure of protection against market calamities in any single country or asset class. When the market provides inadequate compensation for a given level and type of risk, that risk is removed from the portfolio. Systematic aversion to badly compensated risks is intended to cut the potential for significant, sustained draw downs.
Climbing a mountain takes longer than falling off. Such asymmetry also exists in the financial markets. A security that loses half its value must now double just to get back to the original price. Since long term investing means making steady gains and keeping them, we take risk exposures that offer fair compensation and retreat from them otherwise. This “safe hands” approach contrasts with that of traditional active investment managers. To beat benchmarks, the majority of active investment managers have a perennial “risk on” stance, which can ultimately result in the evaporation of gains that