With a track record dating back to 2000, our flagship Rosetta trading program has been offered to qualified clients (see definition below) seeking diversification in the agricultural commodity futures and options sector. Using our extensive network of contacts and 35+year market experience to formulate and vet potential trades, we strive to achieve long-term success on behalf of our clients. Our trading programs are provided to clients in the form of separate managed accounts, and clients have full transparency into all open positions on a daily basis.
Trading methods are based on four decades of experience in many levels of commodity and derivative markets. Rosetta Capital Management (RCM) has established an extensive network of contacts in all phases of the commodity and derivative markets, ranging from producers to pit brokers. This network yields an abundance of market information and includes access to internal and external meat, grain and weather research. The ability to utilize such a unique compilation of market data is a significant competitive advantage.
Over time, RCM has continuously demonstrated the ability to adapt. In recent years, more controlled risk measures have been deployed to limit single trade draw downs. One example is the more consistent use of purchasing options as a way to participate in directional markets moves, while having a defined risk amount for a given trade. There is always a risk of loss associated with trading futures and options. It is our job to try to minimize that risk and provide solid returns for our clients.
Whether embracing changes in market operations (the evolution of electronic trading from pit trading), identifying external forces that influence the markets (i.e. Chinese buying, South American production) or taking advantage of increases in futures trading volume, we pride ourselves in looking forward and not being complacent.