SMN is a private and independent asset management company based in Vienna, Austria. SMN is specialised in quantitative investments and systematic trading strategies. The company, founded in 1996, is licensed as Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) by the Austrian Financial Markets Authority (FMA).
All products managed by SMN rely on a fully systematic investment process. All investment decisions are based on objective, quantitative criteria and are free of human discretion. Quantitative Research is in the heart of our investment process, sophisticated risk management systems are the backbone of all our products.
Client orientation as well as the highest standards in transparency towards our investors are important elements in our corporate culture. Substantial investments into the company´s funds by the company s founding partners, managers and employees ensure full alignment of interest between the investors and the company.
SMN offers a classic CTA product, the SMN Diversified Futures Fund with 20+ years of real track record, as well as an investment strategy engaging in alternative, niche markets, the SMN Structural Alpha Trend. Besides that the company has always been focused on managed accounts and client-oriented portfolio solutions.