Newsletter 5/27/21
Dear Investor / Partner / Friend,
Before we discuss our recent awards 🏆…..the team at Block Asset Management would like to advise of 2 extremely positive changes to Blockchain Strategies Fund.
Fortnightly dealing! 📆
We are pleased to announce that we will now be open for subscriptions every 2 weeks. The addition of a mid-month NAV/dealing (15th) is logical progression so that investors do not need to wait 1 month to invest. The fortnightly investment cut off dates will be 10th (for dealing on 15th) & 25th for dealing at month end (30th/31st). Redemption terms remain monthly with 30 days notice. Redemption cut off is 25th of the month (ie June) to redeem at NAV on the last day of the following month (ie July).
No more redemption penalty!
As of 1st June we have also removed the redemption penalty that was in force for the first 12 months. This has been seen as a very positive move and permits investment from a number of new platforms & private banks.
More Awards/industry recognition! 🥇
Block Asset Management are extremely proud to have this week won the 2021 WealthBriefing European Award for ‘Best Investment Product Provider’.
“Judges appreciated the submission made by their winner which detailed the value that it brings to the Cryptocurrency fund space; namely bringing a holistic and diverse approach to investing within the sector and also a reliable due diligence process”
Block Asset Management were also highly commended for the ‘Most Innovative Wealth Management Model’
“Because it is innovating in the crypto world which has to date not been part of the mainstream investment strategies” said one of the expert panel. “Rather than taking the obvious and easiest niche long route into the digital currency market, which in itself is recently innovative, BAM selected a diversified strategy appealing to a broader cross section of investors and providing potential for longevity and sustained returns”
Consistently delivering highest level returns!
After winning No. 1 🥇 performing Digital Assets Fund of Funds for 2020 (, Blockchain Strategies Fund has recently been awarded No. 2 performing Digital Assets Fund of Funds for Q1 2021. In addition to the extraordinary level of due diligence the Block Asset Management team undertake when reviewing funds, the Investment Committee apply the same level of diligence when actively managing the portfolio. Expert fund selection is matched with careful & considered weighting/allocation to the different identified strategies whilst paying attention to current market conditions & cycle.
Final Comment!
Whilst May has been a month of extreme volatility and a substantial, but not uncommon and some would say much needed, correction (led by market manipulation & FUD), we feel that our next dealing date of 15th June (subscription cut off 10th), offers a very timely opportunity to invest in digital assets.
For more information please contact [email protected]