Venture Capital
Andrea Alms Video: Money In Motion 5 - The Industrial Athlete Market
May 2022 - Venture Capital
Hello. My name is Andrea Alms. I'm a health care investor and financial manager and this is your money in motion. I was asked about the industrial athletes, construction workers, nurses, warehouse workers, mail carriers, auto mechanics are just a few of the thousands of industrial athletes performing duties that make and enhance our lives. When you hear the word athlete, most of you most likely think of persons playing sports. Did you know that there are non-sports working athletes all around us? We call them industrial athletes and occasionally occupational athletes. Industrial athletes are men and women who perform services with high physical demand using strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination. Many consider industrial athletes a backbone of the working world. Just like sports athletes. And thus your athletes use their physical abilities to perform a task or job like sports. Athletes. Industrial athletes also sustain injury. They lift and push moving identical ways that a typical sports athletes would sometimes working longer hours. This makes them just as vulnerable to physical and in some cases, emotional injury. Long, stressful hours can certainly cause anxiety stress for many industrial athletes. Consider this. All right. The sports athletes, sports teams practice 2 to 4 hours. Most games last 2 to 4 hours as well. Industrial athletes may work 8 to 12 hours per day. Sports athletes. Athletes practice sports athletes practice 4 to 5 times per week. Most sports have 1 to 2 games per week. However, industrial athletes many work 5 to 6 days, occasionally even basketball has one of the longest sports seasons, up to eight months. Well, industrial athletes in majority work all year round sports athletes, warm ups, stretch strength and train good form, practice, self-care and preventive injury techniques. Does this industry do this for industrial athletes? Who cares for them? Which companies does? Which organization? Well, on the next episode, we'll explore this market and the return on investment. Thank you. This is your money. Your money in motion.