Lionschain Capital - Facebook Libra Vs. The World
July 2019
Lionschain Capital - Facebook Libra vs. The World
This article is a follow up to a post we published shortly before the official release of the Libra Whitepaper and announcement of the Calibra Wallet. In the previous post, we outlined some of the fundamental differences between a permissionless natively crypto asset like Bitcoin and a permissioned, fiat currency backed stablecoin like Libra.
While there were a number of elements to Libra that surprised us, specifically around Libra’s smart contract platform, we were most surprised by how accurate the prelaunch view was. The internet has spent the last few months speculating around what type of cryptocurrency Facebook would bring to market, and while we didn’t get everything right, Facebook basically brought to market the coin the market expected.
The remainder of the post can be viewed here.