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Description: ESG is no longer a mere add-on in a portfolio or investment strategy; for an increasing number of investors in alternatives, a thoughtful approach to ESG issues has become table stakes. As the industry continues to define the role of ESG and develop approaches to measure and analyze the effect of these issues on their portfolios, industry professionals must to continue to educate themselves about the key trends and developments related to ESG across alternative asset classes. Join CAIA, in partnership with Nuveen, for a thought-provoking webinar series organized exclusively for the benefit of institutional investors across the world. In the fourth session, we will discuss how asset owners can best integrate some of the most material ESG issues into their portfolios, regardless of asset class.
Panelists: Marc deBree, CAIA, Head of Real Estate and Alternatives, TIAA General Account, Andrew Collins, FSA, Director of ESG & Responsible Investing, San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS), Daniel Ingram, Senior Vice President, Wilshire, and moderated by Maria Long, Research and Content Director, Standards Board for Alternative Investments
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