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Description: This session will provide an update about the maiden International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in India. The IFSC Authority (IFSCA) has been established in 2020 as a unified regulator for development and regulation of financial services, financial products and financial institutions in the IFSCs in India. The senior officials from IFSCA will provide an overview of the priorities of IFSCA, recent developments and the emerging opportunities at the IFSC, particularly relating to fund management activities. The session will focus on the regulatory framework for Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in the IFSC, the benefits for AIFs in the IFSC, steps taken by IFSCA and other authorities to onshore the fund management activities and a brief overview of the ongoing policy reforms with respect to fund management in the IFSC.
Panelists: Arjun Prasad, Deputy General Manager, Manoj Kumar, Executive Director, Mihir Upadhyay, Deputy General Manager, and moderated by Jo Murphy, Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Industry Relations, CAIA Association
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