Is your fund looking for more investors and to grow its AUM? If so, I am pleased to make available the PowerPoint from my presentation this month at the Penn Club's (NYC) "Bulls & Bears Hedge Fund Society", at which I was an expert guest speaker regarding investors and large-scale fundraising. So, if you are looking to significantly increase your AUM, feel free to download your complimentary copy of the fundraising PPT, at And I also have kept online the audio recording of my fundraising presentation, at
Also, if you work with or otherwise know any compelling alternative investment funds (HF/PE/VC/RE) that are looking for more investors and to substantially increase their AUM, please let me know, as our investor base is larger than ever, and allocates hundreds of billions of dollars to alternatives. Indeed, we have been proactively asked by investors to keep showing them compelling hedge and PE funds for their review and prospective investment.
Best regards,
#HedgeFund #HedgeFunds #Investors #Fundraising #CapitalRaising